What do you want to accomplish? If it’s on our list of expertise below, let’s take a ride.
What sets you apart from competitors in your same market space? How can you convey that quickly and be recognizable to your consumers? We can help you find an identity that feels (and looks) like you that you can proud to show off—and so can your customer.
Package Design
You’ve spent the time developing your product. You know it kicks ass. But now you need to communicate that to your customer, better than others in a crowded market and be memorable visually, as well as by name. That’s where unique package design can help you shine.
Website Design
Curious 7 is a Squarespace Circle member. That means we can design or refresh your site, save you time, answer your questions, optimize your SEO, send you analytics, connect to your social media accounts, send email campaigns, and make sure you look good in the process. We can pass your site off to you for control or continue managing it from our side, your choice. We’ll design with hierarchy, organization and usability in mind and take the terror out of the internet (well, at least your corner of the internet). In these times when businesses have had to readjust how they operate, updating your website to include online ordering and/or scheduled pickup could be the difference between keeping your doors open (figuratively) and shuttered.
Marketing & Advertising
Wouldn’t it be great if your product or service appealed to everyone, all the time? Sure. But the reality is, you’re wasting your time—and energy…and money—if you’re trying to do that. Curious 7 can help you identify your market (if you don’t already know) so you can focus your efforts. There is no sense in targeting 3-month-old Gabby’s caretakers if you’re selling hockey sticks. But when Gabby is 6 and won’t stop talking about Sidney Crosby? You get it.
If the founder of Curious 7 is a mathematician, are we contractually obligated to deal in graphically represented data? YES WE ARE. We can help you visually represent the information you want to deliver.
Social Media
Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Here is something we do know, if you’re too busy to create and post content, we’ll do that for you. We know that small businesses don’t have dedicated digital/social teams, and small business owners already wear enough hats. Having to worry about posting cadence and messaging isn’t something else you should have to add to your already long list of responsibilities.
We’re curious to get to know you. You have a story to tell and an adventure to take.